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I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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Video Marketing Statistics

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Ready to grow your business? Here are video marketing statistics to show you how incredible video marketing for your business is. 

Reason #1 You’ll Make More Money

Businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster. And according to Forbes, 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy.

But it’s not just about selling products. When I started my first job, I didn’t know how to make videos but I learned the craft, used it on the job, got promoted and by the time I stopped working there, I was making twice as much as when I started. In fact, when I made videos for nonprofits, I’ve helped them raise three times more money than they ever did before.


Reason #2 People want video

Cisco reported that video will account for 82% of all internet traffic. That’s huge!

But guess what? When video and text are both available on the same page, 72% prefer video. And not a surprise, 85% of people said they’d like to see more video from brands.

video marketing statistics

Reason #3 People are more likely to find you online

Check out these video marketing statistics: Social video generates 1200% more shares than texts and images combined. You’re 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website and the average user spends 88% more time on a website with video.

So what will happen if you don’t use video? If you own a business or you work in a company that doesn’t leverage video marketing, most likely your company will decline.


Now that you know why you should be making videos, here's my FREE training video to help you use video marketing for your business! Boost your know, like, and trust factor by filming yourself with your phone!


Discover how to look better on video than in real life
Learn how to create a "film set" in any location
Grab the checklist to cut your prep time in half

Film yourself Professionally on a Phone

to boost your know, like and trust factor

Inside this FREE Training Video, you'll: 

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I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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