Hey friend! When it comes to being on video, whether that's on a video call or YouTube video, lighting is the key to looking amazing! So if you're at your desk and on video, here's all about the best desk right light!
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It's called the Travor 6-inch LED ring light, and it's only $25 at the time of me writing this.

And here's why I love this desk ring light so much:
#1 — It's a perfect size for a desk ring light
It's a great ring light for Zoom calls, and it doesn't take a whole lot of space on your desk. Now, if you've been following me for a while now, you know that I'm a fan of big lights because the bigger the light, the better you look. But for video calls at your desk, this thing works super well. In fact, my sister and my husband have borrowed this so many times for me and love it.

#2 — It's dimmable
It has 11 different levels of brightness to choose from so you'll definitely be looking good on your video calls! Oh, and by the way, if you wear glasses while using Zoom, then make sure and watch my video right here because I show you how to get rid of the glare on your glasses from your computer screen.

#3 — Color temperatures
You can adjust the color temperature 3 different ways. That's right! From daylight to tungsten and a temperature in between.

Now let's test out the brightness and the color temperature and see what it looks like.

So I'm going to go ahead and turn it up. Ooh, that is pretty bright. That's the brightest that it can be.

And then let's test out the different color temperatures. So right now it's on daylight, which is that bright white temperature:

This is in between daylight and tungsten:

And this is tungsten, which is that orange hue color:

I think I like it in between the daylight and the tungsten. So I'm going to leave it there.
One thing to note is that if you have window light coming in, then you typically don't want to be on the tungsten color temperature. Either be in between the daylight and tungsten or just the daylight.
Just for the fun of it, let's compare what it looks like with the light on and off:

#4 — Height adjustment
You can adjust the height from 12 inches to 42 inches!

Okay, I know if you're sitting at your desk, you probably don't have to put it up to 42 inches. lol
Plus the taller it is, the less stable it gets. But for simple adjustments, especially if you wear glasses (so check out that video) this thing is perfect.
#5 — Power source
It plugs right into your computer via USB so you don't need a power outlet.

Just make sure your laptop has juice and you're good to go! Also, take note that if your computer only has USB-C ports like mine do, then make sure and get an adapter similar to this.
So there you go! The best desk ring light.
Now, if you want to learn how to film yourself professionally on a phone, then make sure and grab my free guide and training video.
I walk you through how to create a set in any location. I also show you how to light yourself, so you look better on a video than in real life. You won't want to miss this!