Lucrative Videos


I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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The Secret Video Formula

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If you read my previous article, you learned about the ONE skill that every entrepreneur needs in 2024: Lucrative Videos—videos that increase your income and impact.

If you didn’t finish it yet, you can click here to read it.

When you’re ready, let’s dive in!

Since your goal is to create videos that actually grow your business, I want to share with you the secret video formula to Lucrative Videos.

Because here’s the thing, there are two big mistakes I see entrepreneurs doing when it comes to video.

The first mistake:

They’re only creating short form videos.

And I get it. Short form videos are engaging and, quite frankly, can be addicting to watch.

In fact, it’s even been proven by research. You see, the brain releases dopamine, “the feel good” hormone, when it’s expecting a reward.

Short form videos provide a constant stream of fresh content, keeping users hooked as they scroll to the next interesting or funny reel. This triggers dopamine to release in viewers and gives them a quick fix of satisfaction (until they realize how much time they just wasted scrolling through short videos.)

And that’s the problem: viewers are watching short form videos to get their quick fix of dopamine and entertainment. You may engage them for 15 seconds, and then they scroll on to the next video.

Don’t get me wrong. I love creating short form videos to help grow my business.

However, at the core of your content you need to be using an authority building platform—a platform that sets you up as an expert in your niche as you provide content that helps your ideal client with quick wins and flips the script on their limiting beliefs.

For video, YouTube is the authority building platform with long-form videos.

Here’s why:

  • Enhanced SEO and visibility

You’re able to organically reach new people who are actively searching for the topics you teach on. How? YouTube is the #2 search engine. Plus, it’s owned by Google which means that your videos will also show up on page 1 of Google when optimized correctly.

  • You’re able to establish trust

Long form videos establish a deeper level of trust since your viewers are engaged with your video for 5 to 15 minutes as opposed to 15 seconds. It’s hard to establish a real connection with your audience with lots of broken short-form clips. Longer videos allow you to establish a bond with your viewers.

  • You’re able to stand out in the noise and clutter

Long format, high-quality videos are a powerful way to stand out from the majority of other businesses as you build your credibility and provide value-rich content.

  • You’re able to boost conversion rates

Studies show that long-form video content boosts conversion rates significantly by 34 percent. It’s no wonder that I consistently build my email list and make sales from my YouTube videos.

Once you have a long form video, you can then take that content and repurpose it into short form videos. It's a win-win.

Then there is the second mistake:

Most entrepreneurs listen to the popular influencers with big audiences saying, “Just push record and show up.”

But, “just showing up” won’t help you get more leads and sales.

You need to have a video strategy along with the right messaging in your videos so that you actually convert your viewers.

Not only that, but “just showing up” can hurt your credibility. A lot of these popular influencers with big audiences tend to break the “video rules.” They show up with bad lighting and audio, sometimes even with “bed head” or looking like they need a shower.

And you know what? They can. Why? Because they’ve already established themselves as a credible authority in their industry.

But…if you’re starting out or don’t have a big audience yet, breaking the “video rules” will hurt your credibility.

This is why you need to have quality looking videos.

Plus, “just showing up on video” won’t attract your ideal customers since you don’t have a video strategy. It's important to optimize your videos so the RIGHT person sees your video—especially when you're starting out online.

You see the popular influencers tell you that you don't have to optimize your videos with keywords and that you just waste your time on trying to do that.

But, again, they have an established audience already with tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. They don't need to optimize their videos because they already have a huge audience.

When you're starting out, spending even just a few minutes on optimizing your video goes a looooong way to attracting your ideal client and building a bigger audience.

Which leads us to the secret video formula

This is the same framework that I’ve used to help my clients finally reach their 7-digit revenue goals. It’s helped my students increase their leads and sales (giving them their highest revenue months). And it’s helped me 4x my online sales so far this year compared to last year.

It’s called the MAP formula—the 3 critical steps to Lucrative Videos so you increase your income and impact.

Step 1: Messaging

This is the foundation to getting amazing results with video. It’s here where you form your strategy and messaging so your videos quickly boost your know, like, and trust factor and convert your views into customers.

Step 2: Artistry

This step is where you create high-quality videos that match your high-quality brand. You can, in a simple way, film and edit like a pro so you have a celebrity-like personal brand that boosts your credibility and authority.

Step 3: Promotion

In step 3, it’s time to get your ideal client to watch your Lucrative Video. By applying certain promotional strategies and tactics, you’ll get the RIGHT person to watch your video so you make more sales.

I have good news. I created a step-by-step program so you can increase your income and impact with Lucrative Videos.

It’s called The MAP to Lucrative Videos.

Plus, it even includes monthly group coaching with me.

Take it from Dianne Palmieri, owner of Pierogi School. Before joining The MAP to Lucrative Videos she says, “I had absolutely no idea where to even begin and looking around on YouTube for help just made it more confusing!”

Then she joined The MAP to Lucrative Videos. Not only did it help her create a monthly video membership called Pierogi School, but she’s able to use video now to increase her revenue and audience. Dianne shares, “I have incorporated videos into my Homemade Pierogies Facebook group and have grown my group to almost 12,000 people.”

To learn more about how you, too, can transform your business with Lucrative Videos, click the link below;

Transform your business with Lucrative Videos.

And here’s the best part:

Your investment is $400 OFF.

Plus, it’s a BOGO sale. You get my program, Lucrative Webinars, so that you can have one of the most powerful videos in your business—Live Trainings.

But, hurry…the sale ends this Thursday.

Not only that, but I’m raising the price to The MAP to Lucrative Videos which means I won’t have a sale at this price again.

So be sure to get in at the lowest price you’ll be able to get it for.

Take it from the others who joined:

“The MAP to Lucrative Videos has helped me get a bigger audience on Instagram and YouTube!”

Elizabeth Peterson, Education Consultant, The Inspired Classroom


“I’m confidently producing quality videos.”

— Jeff Fox, Pastor, Trinity Worship Center


“I developed two online courses using the systems outlined in The MAP to Lucrative Videos. I used the templates as well for advertising, and was able to make sales right away!”

Phyllis Johnston, Owner, Every Body Yoga

Click here to transform your business with Lucrative Videos.

I can’t wait to work with you on this fun and rewarding journey!

Discover how to look better on video than in real life
Learn how to create a "film set" in any location
Grab the checklist to cut your prep time in half

Film yourself Professionally on a Phone

to boost your know, like and trust factor

Inside this FREE Training Video, you'll: 

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I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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