Sophie King

Lucrative Videos






Lucrative Videos



Lucrative Videos

I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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7 Hacks to Instantly Look Amazing on Video!

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Boost Your YouTube Content with Free Sound Effects! When creating YouTube videos, it’s the small touches that truly make a difference. One often overlooked detail that can make your videos pop? Sound effects! They’re the simple, yet powerful touches that can bring in humor, tension, or excitement into your content. If you’re on a tight […]

Free Sound Effects for YouTube Videos


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If you’re an online business owner, you know that creating content is so important to growing your business, especially video content. But sometimes we have those days where creative ideas don’t flow. We feel stuck and have writers block. So to help you out, here are 5 ways to get out of a creative rut! […]

5 Ways to Get Out of a Creative Rut


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Personalized videos…they’re the best video to make for your business in 2023 and beyond! (I know, I kinda sound like Buzz Light Year….) In this video, I’m gonna show you how to make my favorite personalized video, so that way you give your customers an amazing experience and you get an added bonus of a […]

The Best Video to Make for your Business


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Wondering how to make a video for your website? I’ve got your back! In today’s video, I’m gonna show you how to make a beautiful website banner video right on your phone. And I’m going to demonstrate it at my twin sister’s dental office!  Watch the video below to learn how to make a video […]

How to Make a Video for your Website


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If you’re like me, sometimes it can be a drag making videos. Yet it’s so important to do to grow our businesses. So to help you take action, here are seven sure fire ways to have more fun with video!  WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW! FUN TIP #1: GO TO YOUR happy PLACE TO make your […]

7 Sure-Fire Ways to Have More Fun with Video!

read it now! Join The MAP to Lucrative Videos! Can’t wait to see your business take off with video! Click the button above to start!

Join The MAP to Lucrative Videos!


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Hey there! Wanna make a GIF for your emails just like this one?! Then you’re in the right place! Here’s how to convert video to GIF, so that way you increase your email click rates, which means you’ll get more views on YouTube, like crazy! Okay… So I love converting videos into GIFs. Basically, I […]

Convert Video to GIF


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Here’s how to write a video script so that way you actually grow your business with your videos. Yes, we don’t want to waste time over here, right? You want to make sure you get amazing results with your videos. Watch the video below There are five key steps when it comes to writing your […]

How to Write a Video Script


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Wondering what to wear on camera? Great! Because the clothes you wear on video makes a huge difference. Here are four tips on what to wear on camera so you look your very best!   Watch the video below to see the demonstrations! Tip #1 : Wear colors in your season Did you know that […]

What to Wear on Camera


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Here’s how to add subtitles to a video so that way you get more people watching your video which means more views!   Watch the video below to see this demonstrated So…why is adding subtitles so important?? Because get this: Facebook announced that 85% of people watch videos with the sound off! Which means if you […]

How to Add Subtitles to a Video


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I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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7 Hacks to Instantly Look Amazing on Video!

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