Lucrative Videos


I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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Video Marketing

The ONE skill that every entrepreneur needs

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I know, I know… You may have read that title and thought to yourself, “Oh, brother, here’s another email about one more thing I HAVE to do as a business owner.”

And I get it. Being an entrepreneur can feel overwhelming.

But, here’s the thing. This skill has the power to help you make a bigger impact while giving you more time and money.

In fact, it’s a skill that helped me 4x my online sales so far this year compared to last year.

It’s the same skill that has helped my clients:

  • Grow their audiences and clientele
  • Reach their 7-digit revenue goals

It’s the same skill that has helped my students:

  • Make immediate sales
  • Get on the national news
  • Stop being on the hamster wheel of content creation
  • Have their highest revenue months

What is it?

Lucrative Videos of yourself.

Yup, not just any ol’ video. It’s what I call a “Lucrative Video.”

A Lucrative Video increases your income and impact.

But I get it, being on video can be super scary.

You see, before I started my own business, I was always behind the camera. As an Emmy Award winning filmmaker and video marketer, I always filmed other people. (And knew how to make them look great!) I also helped them triple their revenue with video.

So when I started my own business… I knew I would have to put myself “out there” on video. Ugh, I was soooo scared.

In fact, I was a little traumatized by it. After college, I wanted to be a TV news reporter.

But all I got were rejections.

They said things like, “Your voice is too high-pitched” and “Your hair is too long.”

Not only did I re-live those rejections, but other thoughts came to my head like:

What were people gonna think of me?

What if I get trolls?

But after helping my clients 3x their revenue with video, I knew I had to put myself on video.

And the scariest thing I’ve ever done in my business led to:

  • An increase in clients
  • Invitations for speaking engagements
  • Booked to be a guest on podcasts
  • Entreprenuers and large organizations reaching out for 1:1 consulting
  • Sales to my online courses


Which is why I’m sooo passionate to help others make Lucrative Videos for their businesses.

Because here’s the thing…

I don’t need to tell you that it’s 2024. Video is the #1 tool for driving traffic.

I mean just look around. Today’s fastest growing social media platforms and sites are all focused on one thing—video.

• Instagram said screw photos, we’re focused on video now.

• Facebook prioritizes video content over all others

• And, more people spend more time on YouTube than any other site worldwide.

• Not only that, but 89% of consumers say watching a video has convinced them to buy a product or service.

• PLUS, research shows that businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster.

But here are the two biggest camps I see:

Camp 1: The Viewers

The Viewers Camp watches other people’s videos without creating their own.

It’s a place that let’s the “mean girl” thoughts take over. Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough to be on video.” And, “I don’t look good on video.”

One that keeps letting the tech overwhelming them when it comes to creating videos for their business.

An entrepreneur that keeps doing All. The. Things. BUT video and still has a stagnant business.

It’s what makes you feel guilty and left behind when you watch your competitor’s videos.

It’s what keeps you from being seen and making the positive impact that was meant for you.

Camp 2: Creators of Low-Quality Videos

In this camp, entrepreneurs make videos, BUT they’re actually ruining their high-quality brand with low-quality videos.

They focus on quantity over quality which means they aren’t getting the results their business needs.

In this camp, they do what other successful online business owners say to do, “It doesn’t matter what you look like. Just show up on video.”

But here’s the thing, they’ve already built their authority. They have a big audience already and are credible influencers. If you’re starting out in business or don’t have a big audience yet—don’t listen to their advice. It’ll ruin your credibility.

No matter where you find yourself, the fact still remains:

Lucrative Videos of yourself matter.

And if you haven’t honed this skill of utilizing the power of video to grow your business… then who's gonna do it for you? How are you going to boost your know, like, and trust factor when Everything. Is. Video.

How are you going to grow an audience? How are you going to increase your sales when research states that 95% of consumers say videos help them make purchasing decisions?

There’s good news. I created a 3-step process to creating Lucrative Videos. It's called The MAP formula.

And I walk you through it in my step-by-step program so you can increase your income and impact with Lucrative Videos.

Plus for extra support, it even includes live monthly group coaching with me!

My students have already seen incredible results:

“I was on my national news last night!” — Victoria A.

“I now feel more confident and professional in front of the camera.” — Oksana P.

“I used the templates, and made sales right away!” — Phyllis J.

For the next few days, enrollment into The MAP to Lucrative Videos is OPEN!

To learn more about how you, too, can transform your business with Lucrative Videos, click the link below:

Transform your business with Lucrative Videos.

And here’s the best part:

Your investment is $400 OFF.

Plus, it’s a BOGO sale.You get my program, Lucrative Webinars, so that you can have one of the most powerful videos in your business—Live Trainings.


You're making thousands of dollars more each month because of your videos.

You wake up to more people on your email list from a video you made a year ago.

You look stunning on video and you aren't even wearing more makeup than usual.

You're getting interviewed and featured in the media.

In a few days, this magical offer turns back into a pumpkin and goes back up to FULL PRICE.

So, unless you actually like paying more than you have to for things you need, I would get going now. {wink}

Click here to transform your business with Lucrative Videos.

Can’t wait to work with you on this fun and rewarding journey!

Discover how to look better on video than in real life
Learn how to create a "film set" in any location
Grab the checklist to cut your prep time in half

Film yourself Professionally on a Phone

to boost your know, like and trust factor

Inside this FREE Training Video, you'll: 

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Now check your email inbox to confirm, and you're on your way to making amazing videos to grow your business!

No email? Be sure to check your spam folder. You can always contact me at if you need additional assistance.

I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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