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Lucrative Videos

I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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7 Hacks to Instantly Look Amazing on Video!

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Here’s how to flip facebook live horizontally on your iPhone so that your viewers can read the words in your video the right way! That’s right! You can still film in selfie mode so that you can see all the comments as well! Watch the video below! Facebook and Instagram have made the “mirror […]

How to flip facebook live horizontally on your iPhone


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When you combine email marketing and video, it really is like the power couple in your business. (It’s like Super Man and Wonder Woman got married. lol) Why? When you combine the two, it’s the easiest and fastest way to make money in your online business. So…this blog is all about email marketing for beginners […]

Email Marketing for Beginners


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Want to look amazing in your Instagram Reels? Of course you do! So…here’s an easy Instagram Reels video setup that’ll honestly make you look better in your reels than in real life! WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW TO SEE MY INSTAGRAM REELS DEMONSTRATIONS There are lots of different types of Reels that you can make. For […]

Instagram Reels: An Easy Video Setup


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Here’s how to write a video script so that way you actually grow your business with your videos. Yes, we don’t want to waste time over here, right? You want to make sure you get amazing results with your videos. Watch the video below There are five key steps when it comes to writing your […]

How to Write a Video Script


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Wondering what to wear on camera? Great! Because the clothes you wear on video makes a huge difference. Here are four tips on what to wear on camera so you look your very best!   Watch the video below to see the demonstrations! Tip #1 : Wear colors in your season Did you know that […]

What to Wear on Camera


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Do you want to learn how to make money from video marketing for small businesses? In this article, I’ll teach you how to create video marketing content in 4 simple steps that will make your brand reach your ideal clients! #1 Plan the goals for your videos When it comes to business, you need a […]

How to make money for your business with video marketing

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Let me tell you all about how to use zoom in the bedroom! I totally get it, you’re working from home. You’re thinking, where in the world do I have my video meeting and/or record my video? I mean, your bedroom is the quietest spot there is, right? So, you’re probably gonna find your nightstand […]

How to Use Zoom in the Bedroom


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Ready to grow your business? Here are video marketing statistics to show you how incredible video marketing for your business is.  Reason #1 You’ll Make More Money Businesses who use video grow revenue 49% faster. And according to Forbes, 64% of customers say that seeing a video makes them more likely to buy. But it’s […]

Video Marketing Statistics


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Here’s how to add subtitles to a video so that way you get more people watching your video which means more views!   Watch the video below to see this demonstrated So…why is adding subtitles so important?? Because get this: Facebook announced that 85% of people watch videos with the sound off! Which means if you […]

How to Add Subtitles to a Video


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Hey guys! Wait…let me greet you the Nashville way: Hey y’all! I attended the Business Boutique Conference in 2018 with my sister and best friend. It was the BEST business conference I’ve been to!  The awesome Christy Wright, creator and founder of Business Boutique, equips women to make money doing what they love. And to […]

Business Boutique Conference


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I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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7 Hacks to Instantly Look Amazing on Video!

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