Lucrative Videos


I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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Hey there! Wanna make a GIF for your emails just like this one?!

Then you're in the right place! Here's how to convert video to GIF, so that way you increase your email click rates, which means you'll get more views on YouTube, like crazy!

Okay... So I love converting videos into GIFs. Basically, I take short snippets from my YouTube video, like three seconds or so, make that into a GIF with a play button and put that in my email to encourage my subscribers to click on that video and watch my new YouTube video.

And by doing that, it increases my email click rates by two to five times. It's crazy how many more people will click on your email and watch your new YouTube video just by doing that simple thing. So, here's how to do it!

Watch the Video below to see the demo!

 Step one: make a play button.

The easiest way to make a play button is to go to

Go head and click the button "create a new design." It really doesn't matter what size it is. And now we're going to click on "elements." Type in "play button," and it gives you a bunch of options. Go ahead and choose one and make it white. Then we're going to click share, click download, click transparent background, then click download.

Step two: choose a captivating scene.

So now with your editing program open, go ahead and choose about a three second clip that'll entice people to want to watch your video. Go ahead and drag that play button that you imported over your video.


Go ahead and adjust the size and opacity of the play button. Now go ahead and export your short video. 

To learn more about growing your email list. Watch this video Email Marketing for Beginners.

step three: upload your video to

So once at, click on "video to GIF." Choose your file that you just exported, then click on upload video. You can decrease the size of the GIF by going to "size."

You'll want your GIF to be no more than 2MB. That way, it'll load pretty quickly in the email. And then we're going to click on save.


step four: place your GIF in your email

Last, place your beautiful, amazing, GIF into your email by dragging your GIF into your email and watch your click rates increase like crazy. It really is crazy to see how many people will click on your email to watch your video. 


There you go! How to convert video to a GIF using

If you're wondering what video you should make next to not only boost your business, but your bank account at the same time, then make sure to take my free assessment. This is a personalized quiz based on the answers that you give. So, find out and boost your biz!

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Now check your email inbox to confirm, and you're on your way to making amazing videos to grow your business!

No email? Be sure to check your spam folder. You can always contact me at if you need additional assistance.

I’m Patricia Kelikani—video coach for entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you make more money while having more free time with the power of video.

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